Now Buying Knives, & Whole Knife Collections

Now Buying Knives

We will pay CASH for your knives. We are buying single knives, or whole knife collections.

Here is a partial list of knives we are looking for:
  • Any Custom Makers (Hand made knives) 
  • Buck Knives (older ones)
  • Case Knives
  • Gerber Knives, especially daggers
  • Randall Knives, any kind
  • Old Military Knives
  • Old Multi-Blade knives
  • Exposition Knives
  • Old Daggers
Here is a partial list of what WE WILL NOT BUY:
Anything marked Boker, Camillus, Frost, Rough Rider, Steel Warrior, Fantasy Knives, Anything made in China or Pakistan, Bayonets, Schrade, Uncle Henry, Movie prop knives.
Email us at the link listed at the top of this site.
Please, do not send photos unless we ask for them. Tell us what you have, and what you would like for it.
(941) 504-2279


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